Food plant: mainly Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae , Rutaceae, Aristolochiaceae , Annonaceae , Lauraceae , Apiaceae , Asclepiadaceae and dogbane, etc.
食用植物: 主要为十字花科 、 豆科 、 蔷薇科植物.芸香科 、 马兜铃科、蕃荔枝科 、 樟科、伞形花科等.萝摩科,夹竹桃等.
互联网L. O. E. Schulz, an annual or biennial herbage of Cruciferae is a species of Brassicaceae.
诸葛菜(CorychophramusViolaceua. L. O. E. Schulz) 属十字花科(Cruciferae) 芸薹族诸葛菜属的一年生或两年生野生草本植物.
As one of important oilcrops, rapeseed belongs to the Brassica genus Cruciferae family.
油菜是世界上广泛种植的一种油料作物, 它在植物分类上属于十字花科(Cruciferae)芸苔属(Brassica),以收获种籽榨油为主要目的.
——期刊摘选Cruciferae: broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, radishes, and so on.
十字花科: 花椰菜 、 甘蓝菜 、 芥菜 、 萝卜等.
互联网A numerical taxonomic study on two genera Yinshania and Hilliella Cruciferae.
互联网Glucosinolates are important secondary metabolites found mainly in cruciferae plants.
互联网It contains 30 genera and 66 speciesof Cruciferae.
互联网The characteristics of antifungal constituents in thefamilies of Gramineae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Compositae and Cruciferae were emphasized.
侧重介绍了禾本科 、 豆科 、 蔷薇科 、 菊科和十字花科植物中抗病原真菌的活性物质的特点.
互联网Moricandia is the only genus with C ? 3 ? C ? 4 species within the family of Cruciferae.
Moricandia是十字花科中唯一的具C3? C4植物的属.
互联网Main Used for the prevention and cure of the Cruciferae vegetable vegetables green insect.
互联网Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin is a serious worldwide disease of the plants of Cruciferae.
互联网Broccoli can also be called green cauliflower. It is belong to Cruciferae, cabbage category.
西兰花又名绿菜花、青菜花, 属十字花科苔,属甘蓝种.
互联网Turnip mosaic virus ( TuMV ) is one of the most important pathogens on cruciferae crops.
芜菁 花叶病毒 是十字花科作物上的一种重要病原物.
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