Carola is the selling point of the atmosphere, is a magic weapon tested in China.
大气是卡罗拉的卖点, 也是在国内屡试不爽的法宝.
互联网Carola By comparison , more than interior design features, the design is still relatively moderate.
卡罗拉相比较而言内饰设计特点不多, 设计依然比较中庸.
互联网As prices climb, quantity constraints and rampant demand are shaping events , writes Carola Hoyos.
卡萝拉·霍约斯指出,随着价格的攀升, 有限的数量和猛烈的需求正在影响一切.
互联网It's hopeless to argue with Carola. She always begs the question.
跟卡罗拉辩论简直拿她没办法, 她总是强词夺理.
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