Concurrent Versions System;[医]cardiovascular system心血管系统;[计]= Continuously Variable Slope,连续可变斜率;
Even the Big Four chains - Rite Aid , CVS, Eckerd and Walgreens - are affected.
甚至四大连锁药房——日特爱德公司, CVS, 爱克德以及沃尔格林斯 —— 也受到了影响.
互联网Confirmation with chorionic villus sampling ( CVS ), amniocentesis or other testing is still necessary.
仍然需要用绒毛膜取样 ( CVS ), 羊水检查等其他检查确认.
——期刊摘选The colloidal oatmeal in CVS Daily Moisturizing Lotion helps prevent dry skin.
互联网CVS Daily Pore Cleanser smoothes and cleans your skin.
互联网The directory structure of a CVS repository contains some additional metadata.
互联网Web CVS, the web version for code control.
网络的CVS, 网络版的代码控制.
互联网The snapshot - based model is more intuitive to the mass of developers who are familiar with CVS.
基于 快照的模型对于大量熟悉CVS的用户来说更直接.
互联网CVS Advanced Therapy Moisturizing Lotion's nourishing, rich and creamy formula helps heal extra - dry skin.
先进的CVS治疗滋润肌肤的滋养, 丰富和奶油公式有助于愈合外皮肤干燥.
互联网CVS is probably the most popular source control tool in the world today.
互联网Instructions on downloading eon and vida though cvs can be found on our code forum.
在我们的代码论坛里您可以通过cvs很 方便的找到EON和fida的下载.
互联网But Zope Corporation maintains and controls the CVS server, and they release the official builds.
但是Zope公司维护和控制CVS服务器, 他们发布官方的build版本.
互联网The severity of CVS and DCI condition were monitored with bedside transcranial Doppler ( TCD ).
床旁TCD监测了解CVS程度和 DCI 情况.
互联网CVs and works of a number of books income.
互联网CV multiplicity is multiple CVs at the same location in space.
互联网Some politicians have been caught polishing their own CVs.
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