Checkout Test Set 检测设备;Container off-loading and Transfer System 集装箱卸货与传输系统;Customer Order Tracking System 用户订单跟踪系统;
They were both fast asleep in their cots.
——柯林斯例句The model bases on AHP and WSM, considering of COTS components lifecycle.
互联网The current offset press on COTS surface with General use acrylonitrile - butadiene rubber.
互联网" There're some cots upstairs, " interrupted the man, " if you want one of them. "
这人打断了他, 说道, " 楼上有几张帆布床. ”
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹COTS -- shelf product is one that is used as - is.
互联网IT uses an open architecture and commercial - off - the - shelf ( COTS ) parts.
该雷达使用了开放式的体系结构和商用现货 ( COTS ) 部件.
互联网Our model introduced aim at COTS characteristics.
互联网However, Traditional software lifecycle model not completely suit COTS based system development and maintenance process.
然而, 传统的软件生命周期模型不能完全适应基于COTS的软件系统的开发和维护.
互联网COTS products are designed to be easily installed and to interoperate with existing system components.
互联网Any agency that works with the shelter would have to provide cots.
互联网For cots, smoothing, preferably made of silicone rubber rollers.
要求上胶辊细腻 、 平滑, 最好是硅橡胶制成的胶辊.
互联网II , blade - like but cards and card making COTS pressure is low.
互联网Coated gloss COTS is moving, force enables oil opt cots.
涂布光油的胶辊是作圆周运动, 离心力使光油有脱离胶辊的倾向.
互联网Baby cots are free of charge.
互联网S, cots and steel wire knives, etc.
版 、 胶辊、钢线刀等等.
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