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In conclusion, treatment with amphotericin B and itraconazole has negligible efficacy in CNS aspergillosis.
——期刊摘选We have two nervous systems CNS & ANS.
我们拥有 cns 及ANS两个神经系统.
互联网Methanol can cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, optic nerve damage and central nervous system ( CNS ) effects.
甲醇能造成中毒, 组织酸毒症, 选择性神经伤害和影响中枢神经.
互联网NP - SLE patients with local CNS involvements showed mainly the damage of blood brain barrier ( BBB ).
相反,局限性CNS受损患者主要表现为血脑屏障 ( BBB ) 破坏.
互联网Objective: Observe the affect of Xing Sheng Yie on CNS.
目的: 观察醒神液对中枢神经系统(CNS)兴奋性的影响.
互联网Objective : Now , the best Rx for CNS diseases, such as PD and AD , is transplanting neuralcells.
神经细胞移植是中枢神经系统(centralnervoussystem,CNS) 退行性疾病 、 遗传性疾病和中枢神经系统损伤引起的神经系统功能障碍最佳的治疗方案.
互联网Unlike peripheral nervous system ( PNS ) axons, severed central nervous system ( CNS ) axons are unable to regenerate.
与周围神经系统 ( peripheralnervous system, PNS ) 的再生和功能恢复不同, 中枢神经系统 ( centralnervous system, CNS ) 损伤后不能再生.
互联网With the development of new techniques and neurology, the research of ( CNS ) fatigue has gained evidence.
随着新技术的应用和神经生物学研究的发展, 运动性中枢 ( CNS ) 疲劳的研究也取得了突破性进展.
互联网CNS is notifying the clinicians whenever a programmed event occurs.
互联网Glutamate ( Glu ) is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system ( CNS ) .
谷氨酸 ( Glu ) 是 中枢神经 系统主要的兴奋性神经递质.
互联网When the CNS is involved, the condition is termed central sensitization.
互联网Metallothionein - 3 ( MT - 3 ), also known as growth inhibitory factor ( GIF ), is predominantly expressed in central nervous system ( CNS ) .
金属硫蛋白3 ( MT3 ), 又称神经生长抑制因子, 主要表达于 中枢神经 系统.
互联网The reproduction and renew of CNS is always the hot topic of were science.
互联网Neurofunctional deficits result from central nervous sys tem ( CNS ) injury, which is always a problem for neurosciences.
中枢神经 系统损伤所致神经功能缺损的治疗一直是神经科学的难题之一.
互联网Objective: Alzheimer's disease ( AD ) is a kind of regressive disease of central nervous system ( CNS ).
目的: 阿尔茨海默病 ( Alzheimerdisease, AD ) 是一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病.
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