CMIP has object - oriented architecture, which was adopted merely by Telecommunications Management Network.
CMIP的功能远远强于SNMP,但它设计复杂, 只在电信网络中有所应用.
互联网SNMP and CMIP are two network protocols used broadly.
SNMP和CMIP是 目前使用最广泛的两大网管协议.
互联网SNMP and CMIP are two most populated network management protocols in computer and telecommunication.
SNMP( SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol) 和CMIP( CommonManagementInfor- mationProtocol)是目前计算机界和电信界使用的最重要的两大网络管理协议.
互联网The predominant models to perform network and systems management have traditionally been SNMP and CMIP.
互联网Then I have analyzed the TMN and CMIP protocols and management pattern based on web.
互联网As the most popular network mangement protocol , the securities of SNMP? CMIP and CORBA already been noticed.
CORBA作为 当今最流行的几种网络 管理协议, 其安全性早已受到人们的重视.
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