CEPA是<内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系安排>(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement)的英文简称,是6月29日总理访问香港时正式签署的一个历史性协议;耦合电子对近似;
Effects of abscisic acid ( ABA ) treatment on onion ( Allium cepa ) dormancy were studied.
研究了不同浓度外源脱落酸 ( ABA ) 对洋葱 鳞茎 休眠的影响.
互联网We usually use allium cepa root tip, as experimental material to observe the plant cell mitosis.
互联网CEPA should relax the restrictions about the definition of service supplier in the long term.
互联网Subsequently supplementary agreements were signed in 2004 and 2005 respectively expanding the coverage of CEPA.
互联网What Impact Does CEPA Bring to Hong Kong's Economic Transition, Chances and Challenges?
互联网The economic benefits are likely to continue to rise as the effects of CEPA deepen.
互联网There are some problems that influence the implementation of CEPA in the course of implementing.
互联网The latest supplement to CEPA effect last October.
互联网The CEPA Business Development Centre Opening Ceremony will be held on 26 February 2004.
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