Central Digital Computer 中央数字计算机;
The patients with antibody produced after many platelet transfusions were transfused with CDC matched platelet.
——期刊摘选Only 13 subjects met the CDC criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome.
——期刊摘选The cri - du - chat syndrome ( CDC, MIM 123450 ), first described by Lejeune, is caused by deletions in 5 p.
猫叫综合征 ( cri -du-chat,CDC, MIM123450 ) 由Lejeune等 最早报道, 由一条5号染色体短臂发生缺失引起.
互联网Next , I introduce the architecture of J 2 ME , therelationship of CLDC and CDC.
然后介绍了J2ME平台的架构 、 CLDC及CDC的关系.
互联网But the expression of cdc 2 was unchanged.
互联网Chinese CDC and child care center expert group expert.
互联网Participate and win Products listing, price assessment and bidding in assigned CDC in territory.
参与并赢得有区域内CDC主导的产品准入, 议价和招标.
互联网The CDC says 97 % of people will show positive at 3 months if they're infected.
互联网The reproducibility was 90 % with CV from 0.081 to 0.154 for CDC test.
互联网Additionally, two new cellulose derivatives were synthesized by reaction of CDC with 2 - aminopyridine and 3 - aminopyridine, respectively.
另外, 以CDC分别与 2- 氨基吡啶、 3- 氨基吡啶反应合成了两种新型的纤维素衍生物.
互联网CDC is keeping an open mind on Morgellons, says Michele Pearson , who is leading the study.
领导此项研究的米歇尔·皮尔森说, CDC对莫吉隆斯症不抱有什么成见.
互联网The CDC is not recommending the use of respirators by influenza patients at this time.
互联网All subtyped influenza A viruses being reported to CDC were 2009 A ( H 1 N 1 ) viruses.
所有正呈报给CDC的甲型流感亚型病毒是2009甲型流感 ( H1N1 ) 病毒.
互联网To anthracite, adopting off - line type CDC calciner is more reasonable.
尤其是针对无烟煤, 采用离线型CDC分解炉更为合理.
互联网The project also requires creating users for CDC , assigning roles and creating subscriptions for replication.
项目同时要求创建CDC用户, 角色分配,以及创建复制的描述.
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