Combined Chiefs of Staff (美国国防部)参谋长联席会议;
Large number of them are actually commenting about CCS management and so on questions.
互联网The products were CO 2 , CO and COS under the condition of CO 3 Ccs 2 respectively.
Co_3Ccs_2时,反应最终产物为CO_2、COS和SO_ 2.
互联网Objective To study the expression of connexin 43 in human cardiac conduction system ( CCS ) and heart.
目的探讨成人心脏及传导系统窦房结,房室结,浦肯野纤维中连接蛋白43 ( CX43 ) 的表达情况.
互联网CCS particularly appeals to politicians reluctant to limit the use of coal.
互联网Methods 50 patients were performed check of CCS and was proved with coronary angiography.
方法:50例患者均行多层螺旋CT冠状动脉 钙化积分检查以及冠状动脉造影.
互联网To provide for the DSP beginner, CCS program entry.
为DSP初学者提供, CCS编程入门.
互联网The concept of CCS is considered vital to the against global warming.
互联网The system software is implemented by assemble language under the CCS environment.
互联网CCS in detroit is also very good ( espeically for the car design industry ).
底特律市的CCS ( 创意研究学院 ) 也是非常好的,尤其是在汽车设计方面.
互联网Second, installing CCS equipment as soon as possible should save money in the long run.
其次, 就长远来看,尽快装置CCS设备应该较为省钱.
互联网CCS prepared in the FIR filter the source, as subroutine call.
在CCS下编写的FIR滤波器产生的源程序, 可以作为子程序调用.
互联网The sheer strakes shall be high tensile steel plates approved Society.
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