资本资产定价模型;Computer-Aided Patient Management 计算机辅助病员管理;
Risk I : Cost of Capital: Is CAPM Dead?
13风险I:资金成本: 资本资产定价模式死了?
互联网The theory of CAPM made a new anation to the risk premium introduced by Keynes.
互联网In 1976, Stephen A. Ross innovated CAPM and set up Arbitrage Pricing Theory ( shortened for APT ).
1976年, StephenA. Ross改进了CAPM模型,提出了套利定价理论 ( ArbitragePricingTheory, 简称APT ).
互联网Be a part of this exciting, growing profession by gaining your CAPM credential.
获得CAPM认证,您就能加入这振奋人心的, 蓬勃发展的职业.
互联网Figure 8.12 summarizes the chief differences between the standard and consumption CAPMs.
图形8.12概括了标准和消费CAPM之间 的首要区别.
互联网These models mainly include: Conditional CAPM model, threshold CAM model and SS mode.
这几种模型主要包括: 条件CAPM模型 、 门限CAPM模型、SS模型.
互联网CAPM can be obtained by using non - arbitrage approaches.
互联网In the consumption CAPM, uncertainty about stock returns is connected directly to uncertainty about consumption.
在消费CAPM中, 股票回报率的不确定性是直接与消费的不确定性相连的.
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