BYRD at once ordered his men to throw OUT two heavy FOOD SACKS.
互联网Nit - prolog debugging facilities are based on the port technique provided by L. Byrd.
NIT-PROLOG 查错机制是以L. Byrd提出的框口技术为基础的.
互联网Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out food sacks.
互联网They also live cleanly and work extremely hard, according to Byrd.
互联网We're Block and Byrd for Earth and Sky.
我们是“地球与天空 ” 的布洛克和伯德.
互联网After the visit Byrd and his crew were guided back to the surface of the planet.
互联网President lary - Byrd expressed that the team will not sell outright the sandbank Si Li contract.
互联网The political columnist in me wanted to know why: the power of Senator Robert Byrd?
作为政治专栏的撰稿人,我骨子里要求自己找出其中的原因: 是参议员罗伯特·伯德的力量?
互联网The Byrd Amendment Act was passed in the autumn of the year before last year.
互联网In January of 1956 Admiral Byrd led an expedition to the South Pole.
互联网Byrd is a better out wire pitcher, his firing distance scope is bigger.
伯德是一名更棒的外线投手, 他的射程范围更大.
互联网Among early composers of many - tuned music were Palestrina in Italy, and the Englishman William Byrd.
互联网Deborah Byrd: And cell division is what keeps our bodies healthy and growing.
黛博拉·伯德: 细胞分裂对维持机体健康生长具有重要意义.
互联网Deborah Byrd: Today, Carol Greider, a molecular biologist at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
黛博拉·伯德: 今天的访谈嘉宾是来自巴尔的摩市约翰·霍普金斯大学的分子生物学家卡罗尔·格蕾德.
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