binary coded decimal 二进制编码的十进制;
This paper presents two kinds of algorithm for conversion between BCD code and binary code.
互联网MC 14499 was the serial display driver of BCD input and decimal output.
互联网BCD dial is commonly usedin intelligentinstrumentand microeomputer controlled unit.
互联网BCD with 16 band into the compilation process, quite good.
BCD码与16进制转化的汇编程序, 比较不错.
互联网BCD and ASCII are popular computer codes.
互联网As IDM, BCD Semi integrates product design and process technology to optimize product performance and cost.
作为一家IDM公司, BCD半导体藉由产品设计和工艺技术的整合来优化产品的性能和成本.
互联网Begin - B - BCD - Check adjustment, operation, low pressure inflator connection , an that tank is firm in the band.
BCD浮力调整装置 - 检查调整, 操作, 低压充气阀的接合, 以及气瓶稳固在固定带里.
互联网BCD code input and output for 8421 BCD yards.
互联网Plumb from the BCD control solenoid to feeder and from feeder to the system.
互联网This is because TBCDField uses the currency data type scale of 4 decimal places.
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