Un jour, j'irai l à bas [ pour ] te dire bonjour, Vietnam ( 2 fois ) '.
有一天我去那只为对你说一声:早安, 越南.
互联网Un jour, j'irai l à bas , un jour dire bonjour à mon ame.
有一天, 我会去那对着你的灵魂说声早安.
互联网Artistically, the Assyrians were particularly noted for their stone Bas - reliefs.
在艺术上, 亚述人最有名的是石浅浮雕.
互联网The cat bas upset the saucer of milk.
《用法词典》The bas - reliefs around the base of the Borobudur were mysteriously - covered by stone walls.
婆罗 浮屠 基础周围的半浮雕神秘地被石墙所掩盖.
英汉非文学 - 文明史Most basic files use the filename extension. bas.
大多数BASIC文件 使用. bas的文件扩展名.
互联网The control channel within this multiplex is the so - called BAS position in each frame.
此多路复用信道内的控制信道是每帧中的 所谓 的BAS位置.
互联网Rumour bas it that changes in the Cabinet are imminent.
互联网Furthermore a parametric design method based on feather bas been put forward.
互联网I find bas ketball both a physical and a mental challenge.
互联网You should not treat him so de haute en bas.
互联网Les nations l à - bas , on les appelle Yue [ j 'é cris ].
我们把他们叫做越[板书 ].
互联网The soil bas been poisoned with chemical waste from the factory.
互联网Armor fashioned from ferroplasm bas a natural enhancement bonus to AC.
互联网Town layout planning of mining area bas significant to mining area building.
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