Doesn't Athena look beautiful tonight?
雅辛娜今晚是不是看起来很美 呢 ?
电影对白And indeed this is also what occurred for Athena.
互联网Athena is not the sole cause of this problem.
互联网Athena will be there, ready to shoot.
athena会到这里, 准备开拍.
互联网She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens.
她就是智慧女神雅典娜, 掌管知识,是雅典的保护神.
互联网You kill blue centuars for an etc, then talk to athena.
你只要杀几只蓝色半人马, 然后跟雅典娜(能是四转教官的名字)话.
互联网Atop Athena's helmet, between winged griffins, crouched an inscrutable sphinx.
在雅典娜头盔的上方 、 于带翼的狮身鹰首兽之间, 蹲伏着一头神秘难测的狮身人史芬克斯.
互联网Athena : Like I said, I've solved that problem as well.
如我所说, 我也解决了那个问题.
互联网To be the Buddha, why did Shaka serve Athena?
主要解读沙加是“佛”, 为什么向雅典娜效力的问题.
互联网Athens was built in honor of the Goddess Athena.
互联网Athena climbs up from the ledge of the summit and attacks Kratos.
互联网Oh My gods. Why has Athena chosen one such as you?
神啊! 为什么你这种人会被雅典娜选中?
互联网The city is named Athena, a goddess in Greek mythology.
互联网Athena: Thank you so much and all is truly in Divine Order.
雅典娜: 非常感谢你们而且一切真实处在神圣的秩序里.
互联网Kratos: Athena, rid me of the memories that haunt me still.
克瑞托斯: “雅典娜,帮我抹掉那些记忆吧. ”
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