The goal of Aristotelian science was to explain why things happen.
中级百科部分The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere.
辞典例句This conclusion did not agree with the generally accepted opinion of Aristotelian philosophy at that time.
辞典例句Then, how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of Aristotelian modal syllogism?
那么, 现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归 呢 ?
互联网The observations are of primary interest in the Aristotelian approach.
互联网Continuously, people think that Aristotelian logical theory derives from mathematics.
一直以来, 人们认为亚里士多德的逻辑学说是起源于数学的.
互联网The Qanun results be connected undoubtedly to the Aristotelian tradition.
互联网Introspection by an Aristotelian viewpoint: generalization.
亚里士多德式内省: 推广.
互联网Could Aristotelian Logic be Translated into Chinese?
亚里士多德逻辑能翻译成中文 吗 ?
互联网In summary, the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive deductive, while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive - abductive.
总结一下, 柏拉图研究用的主要方法是归纳和演译方法, 亚里士多德主要是用归纳和溯因方法.
互联网The contemplation is the happiest life and it has an important role in Aristotelian ethics.
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