Clinton met first to Palestinian authority President Abbas in Abu Dhabi.
互联网Hamas seized control of Gaza last week after routing Abbas'Fatah movement.
互联网Sabri Saidam , adviser to the President Mahmoud Abbas , was also pessimistic.
阿巴斯的顾问 萨布里·赛达姆 也表示悲观.
互联网Saturday's attack occurred near that shrine and the Imam Abbas shrine.
互联网Mr Abbas is now pushing for such a referendum.
互联网Abbas father, furious dean, what offence laid fire to their brains?
隐修院院长神父, 暴跳如雷的副主教, 是什么惹得他们在头脑里燃起怒火?
互联网The Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas, look weak.
以色列和巴勒斯坦的领导人, 奥尔默特和阿巴斯, 看起来无能为力.
互联网A port near Bandar Abbas, Iran.
港口阿巴斯港附近, 伊朗.
互联网The pair would certainly have discussed such ways of keeping Mr Abbas on board.
互联网Mr Abbas made Mr Dahlan, Hamas's nemesis, secretary of a new national security council.
互联网Abbas, who was captured in Baghdad last year, was the mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking.
阿巴斯去年在巴格达被抓, 他是劫持“阿奇里·劳罗”号大型游艇事件的策划者.
互联网Abbas. old guard leaders returned from exile with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1994.
互联网THE bougainvilleas outside President Mahmoud Abbas's house in Gaza City are in full pink - and - white bloom.
互联网Abbas has been working with them in Guantanamo since 2002, initially contracted by the Departmentof Defense.
互联网Mr Abbas is faced with scepticism and division among his own people too.
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