Application Specific Integrated Circuit 特定用途集成电路;
However, they lack ASIC - level performance because of their generalized architectures.
然而, 由于它们采用归一化的体系结构,故缺乏ASIC档次的性能.
互联网Partial dynamic reconfiguration system is unrivalled by ASIC and statically configuring FPGA.
互联网Hands - on experience in ASIC design and system modeling.
互联网Because of the complexity of SDH, ASIC is the trend of the evolution.
由于SDH设备 的复杂性, SDH专用集成电路(ASIC) 的设计使用就成为SDH发展 的必然趋势.
互联网It'still produces sensor of sensor of ASIC, optical image, optical position, LED and optocoupler product.
它还出产ASIC 、 光学图像传感器 、 光学地位传感器 、 LED和光耦合器产物.
互联网A lot of main ASIC manufacturer transfer standard unit and built - in array smoothly.
互联网One feature of SOC design , which is very different with ASIC design, is IP reusability.
SOC不同于普通ASIC的特点之一, 即为其IP可重用性.
互联网For cost reduction and integration, this glue logic was often swept digitalintegrated circuit ( ASIC ) .
为了降低成本实现一体化, “黏合逻辑”曾经风靡整个 ASIC 业.
互联网This is a surface - installation type package used for the ASIC for industrial and communications equipment.
使用在工业设备或通信设备等ASIC上面 的表面贴装用基座.
互联网The paper designs a reliable smart home network system using programmable ASIC device as core device.
互联网Two alternative approaches to classic ASIC - centered and DSP - assisted architectures have emerged andand accelerator - assisted architectures.
互联网RCT Receiver ASIC is the core of Radio - controlled timekeeper.
互联网This paper mainly discusses the test of digital ASIC.
互联网ASIC design follows the steps as described below : system design → logic design → circuitdesign → mask design → technology design.
专用集成电路的正向设计,需依次经历如下一些设计步骤: 系统设计→逻辑设计→电路设计→版图设计→工艺设计.
互联网A new adaptive frame rate up conversion algorithm and its ASIC design television are presented.
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