There is a difference among genotype in ratio of ARS to WRS.
有效吸收面积ARS与根系总表面积WRS的 比值具有品种间的差异.
互联网Firstly, a new attributes reduction strategy ( ARS ) is discussed.
首先, 提出一种新型的属性约简策略ARS ( AttributesReductionStrategy ) .
互联网Ars - enium will existin the form of As ~ ( 5 + ) in solution unter microbial reaction.
在细菌作用下,砷以As~ ( 5+ ) 形式存在于溶液中.
互联网One case ( 2.7 % ) developed local recurrence and 19 cases ( 52.7 % ) had anterior resection syndrome ( ARS ) .
有1例发生局部肿瘤复发,占2.7%.19例 ( 52.7% ) 出现直肠前切除综合征.
互联网Finally, there was a quote this weekend Ars è ne Wenger in the newspapers.
最后, 本周末温格在报纸上的一段话.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger has named a 21 - man squad for the Champions League Final against Barcelona.
互联网Arsenal boss Ars è ne Wenger thinks that Ashley Cole could one day be Arsenal captain.
互联网Stimulation of 2 - ARs promotes PFC neuronal development in culture, such as increasing the dendrite lengths.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger also saw a similar scenario but slammed his team for a lack of self - belief .
阿森纳主帅温格也有同样的见解,但他批评了自己的队员缺乏该有的 自信.
互联网A new approach on the design of animal recognition system ( ARS ) is presented in this paper.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger will select from an unchanged squad for the trip to Manchester City on Saturday.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger had reluctantly made the 23 - year - old striker available for transfer in the January window.
温格日前不情愿地允许23 岁 的射手在冬季转会时可以离开.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger is spending this week juggling his side's challenge for three trophies.
互联网Ars è ne Wenger is also enough to make you want to join the Club.
互联网During Earth s early history, there were w � � ars in space for ownership of this planet.
在地球早期的历史中, 这个行星上的太空发生了争夺所有权的战争.
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