annual firing practice 年度射击练习;anterior faucial pillar 前扁桃体;automated filter photometer 自动滤光光度计;
In 48 cases withcancer after operation, 16 cases decreased in AFP to normal ( 33.33 % ).
48例术后带瘤者中16例AFP(甲胎蛋白)降至正常 ( 33.33% ).
互联网The accuracy rate in PHCcombining positivity of AFU and AFP was 93.9 %.
互联网All indicators of AFP surveillance system achieved the requirement of MOH.
互联网The raise of AFP and HCG in serum indicates germ cell tumors.
互联网Along with age increasing, AFP 、 CEA and CA 199 all showed regular changes.
随着年龄的增长, AFP、CEA、CA199均呈规律性的变化.
互联网The positive rate of HBsAg 、 AFP 、 CEA 、 EB are 9.7 % 、0.08 % 、0.02 % 、1.1 % respectively.
互联网Combined measurement of AFU and AFP can raise PHC diagnostic level to 91? 7 %.
AFU与AFP联合检测可使PHC诊断阳性率提高到91? 7%.
互联网OBJECTIVE In order to supply the basis about the acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) cases surveillance.
目的为进一步做好急性迟缓性麻痹 ( AFP ) 病例监测,保持无脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)状态.
互联网The levels of AFU and AFP in PHC groups was significant different from other groups.
互联网Immunohistochemically, all the cases were positive for AFP, CEA and anti alpha 1 trypsin.
免疫组化:瘤细胞afp 、 CEA和 α1抗胰蛋白酶(+).
互联网Objective To evaluate the working quality of Acute Flaccid Paralysis ( AFP ) case surveillance system.
目的评价急性弛缓性麻痹 ( AFP ) 病例监测系统运转情况.
互联网The AFP concentration was determinated with radioimmunoassay, while the DNA synthesis was studied by the 3 H - TdR incorporation ( CPM ).
放射免疫法检测肝癌细胞分泌甲胎蛋白(AFP) 含量,3H - TdR掺入法测定DNA合成放射活性 ( CPM ).
互联网MMP 2 gene expression levels has no correlation with serum concentration of AFP and tumor size.
肝癌患者MMP2基因表达水平与血清AFP浓度 、肿瘤大小无关.
互联网The positive rate of AFU in primary hepatic cancer ( PHC ) was 77.4 % but AFP � � s was 67.7 %.
结果表明,原发性 肝癌 患者AFU阳性率77.4%,AFP阳性率67.7%.
互联网The positive rates of AFP, AAT and HCG were 64.71 % , 76.47 % and 58.82 % re - spectively.
AFP 、 AAT和HCG阳性率分别为64.71% 、 76.47%和58.82%.
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