all damn confusion 混乱;air data computing 空间数据处理;automatic data collection 自动数据收集;airborne digital computer 机载数字计算机;
DWT error derived from the nonlinearity of ADC is discussed.
互联网The ADC core area is 2.0 mm 2 without band - gap and reference circuit.
整个ADC芯片 内核面积2.0平方毫米(不包括参考电压产生电路).
互联网A kind of low - power operation amplifier circuit for ∑ - Δ ADC was introduced.
介绍了一种用于 ∑- ΔADC的低功耗运算放大器电路.
互联网A look - up table scales the ADC count to produce a logarithmic display.
用 查找表 衡量ADC计数产生对数显示.
互联网The effects of salt removing in ADC production were analysed.
分析了ADC生产 中除盐工段的作用.
互联网Analog to Digital Convertor ( ADC ) simulation complete source code, has been tested.
模拟到数字转换器 ( ADC ) 模拟完整的源代码, 已经过测试.
互联网A digital correction circuit is used to eliminate Sub - ADC's errors.
互联网Configuration of crossbar decoder, DMA controller and ADC controller are illustrated.
说明了数字交叉开关 、 DMA控制器和ADC转换器 的软件配置方法.
互联网ADC results are dependant on the setting of the decimal flag.
互联网In a nutshell , the ADC converts an input - analog - voltage level to a digital - signal format.
在芯片内, ADC转换 输入的 模拟电压 成数字信号格式.
互联网Results of the method is more consistent with real circumstance than traditional ADC model.
与传统的ADC模型 计算方法相比,该方法与鱼雷使用的实际状况更为相符.
互联网LPC 2368 ADC Sample Program source code integrity, and can be used directly.
委会2368年的ADC采样程序的源代码的完整性, 并可以直接使用.
互联网The ADC values of 7 cervical carcinoma patients before and after radiotherapy were compared.
互联网The paper gives data acquisition system based on C program and using PC and ADC.
互联网The ring - ADC is verified to meet the requirements for digital VRM controller application.
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