The Porsche 911 reminds me of the worst parts of the yuppie era.
——柯林斯例句What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?
基督教, 911事件和联邦储备系统有什么共同点?
互联网Most 911 heroes crave stimulation and physical challenge, Farley says.
时文部分Passersby saw the bizarre sight and phoned 911 to inform the police.
互联网Pretty soon when you dial 911 around here, you're going to get the Psychic Friends Network.
不久你们在这周围打911, 就会连上通灵助手网了.
电影对白She hands him the phone and he speaks to the 911 operator.
互联网The content of carboxylate ions in marine sulfate polysaccharide 911 was determined by conductometric titration.
互联网Inside 911 tries to search for answers about the tragedy.
常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年3月号In case of trouble call 911.
互联网Today, the 911 model series and all Porsche engines are produced in Zuffenhausen.
今天, 911车型系列和所有保时捷发动机生产楚豪森.
互联网Sorry, I must cancel my booking on Flight 911 next Friday.
抱歉, 我必须取消下周五911航班的预订座位.
互联网So you slipped back in the crowd, but you decided not to call 911?
电影对白Since 911, fears of shoulder - fired missile 2 and biological weapon attacks have increased.
自911事件以来, 对于肩射飞弹及生化武器等攻击行动的恐惧不断增高.
互联网Inside 911 reveals a clear picture of the events of that historic day.
常春藤生活英语杂志-2006年3月号Introduce technology feature of 911 lead liquid covering flux.
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