The Airbus A 380 is a double - decker aircraft that holds 555 passengers.
史上最大的客机已经于今天早些时候在希思罗机场着陆, 双层 空中巴士A380可以载客555人.
互联网Sometimes you have to dial 1 - 555 - 1212 .
有时,你不得不拨打 1-555-1212.
互联网You a serve job, please call 555 - 3937 to Allan Restaurant.
提供一份服务员工作, 请给艾伦餐厅打电话555-3937.
互联网The German industrial conglomerate said in mid - December that its investigations had found $ 555 m in suspicious payments.
这家德国企业在去年12月 中旬 表示,该公司在调查中发现了约5.55亿美元的可疑付款.
互联网Shall you wish to write us concerning this order, please refer to No.555.
如贵公司对此货还有何要求, 请参阅第555号目录并来函告知,为荷.
互联网Taken together , the response of our cones peaks in the green region, at around 555 nm.
总的说来, 视锥细胞对波长在555nm左右的绿光区域最为敏感.
互联网I have also faxed you yesterday SS 555 for the replacements. Pls sign back with delivery dates.
我昨天也已经传真给你SS555的替代品. 请在上面签名并告知发送日期.
互联网The height of the monument is 555 feet.
互联网Please call the Ellen restaurant at 555 - 3937.
互联网The temple was built about 555 BC.
互联网It comprises two building blocks: a 555 oscillator and transistor slow - down circuit.
它包括两个积木: 555振荡器和晶体管慢下来电路.
互联网Shell Aviation specially developed Turbine Oil 555 lubricant for Rolls Royce for use in supersonic transport.
互联网Operator: I have a Gregory Associates at 452 Michigan Avenue in Chicago . The number is 555 - 2983.
接线员: 芝加哥密歇根大街的格里高里联盟的电话是555-2983.
互联网The whole design using inverter and combined to produce 555 - 5 V circuit ICL 7135 power supply decreased.
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