• 释义
  • 四百八十四

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Screening a diagnosis of lung cancer in 484 participants.


  • 2、

    February 5, 2010: China is offering for export a 220 kg ( 484 pound ) helicopter UAV.

    2010年2月5日: 中国正在提供220公斤 ( 484磅 ) 无人直升机用于外销.

  • 3、

    There were 297 prosecutions in cases of non - compliance , with fines amounting to $ 1, 484, 020.

    因未能遵照通知书指示消除火警危险而遭检控的个案有297宗, 罚款总额达1, 484, 020元.